Seven Surprising Trends During Covid

Seven Suprising Trends During Covid

Tenders Lawyers Weekly recently reported instead of a decrease in projects due to the pandemic, it appears there is an increase in tender and bidding activity. Coronavirus is forcing a more tech-focused approach which is good news for law firms that were innovative in tech in the pre-pandemic world. Flexibility Whilst there was already a … Read more

The Dream Job. Are you ready if it knocks on your door?

Dream Job blog

You are happy  in your job.  But let’s face it.  It’s a job.  A means to an end.  But what if your dream job was right around the corner.  What if an employer was proactively seeking their next superstar and that star was YOU?   Would you be ready? Here are some ideas on how to … Read more

7 Time Management Tips For Lawyers

Time Management

How do you effectively manage your time? Is there a perfect method? Your job is demanding with long hours being regularly the norm, linked to demands from clients, partners and associates alike. In order to keep up with a seeming never ending demand – time management is imperative. Prioritise your time  In an ever changing … Read more

Common Questions you may be asked during legal job interviews

Common Questions

There are many questions you may be asked during a legal interview.  Here are some common ones to help you prepare. Questions about your experience What were your accountabilities/responsibilities in your prior positions? What did you particularly enjoy/dislike about that role? Why did you leave your prior employment? During law studies, what extracurricular activities did … Read more

Five wауѕ to асе уоur next ZOOM/ѕkуре interview


Advаnсеѕ іn communications tесhnоlоgу have mаdе the video іntеrvіеw аn іnсrеаѕіnglу соmmоn раrt of thе hіrіng process. Tоdау’ѕ guest expert will оffеr tірѕ to bе ѕuссеѕѕful at уоur nеxt video interview.For саndіdаtеѕ аnd rесruіtеrѕ alike, video interviews саn bе incredibly bеnеfісіаl; саndіdаtеѕ are nо longer bound by geography, rесruіtеrѕ саn lоwеr thеіr hіrіng соѕtѕ аnd … Read more

Four easy mistakes candidates make – and how to avoid them

four easy mistakes candidates make

As recruiters, we hear, see and are sometimes surprised by some of the easily avoided yet common mistakes we see in the recruitment process. Here are some tips to help you along the recruitment process. Overdoing a cover letter There are circumstances that do require cover letters. Cover letters are not the place to rewrite … Read more

Research potential employers before applying for a job.

research potential employers before applying

Extensively Research the Company. Your biggest advantage is information, and almost everything you need to know about a company can be found online. Here are the questions to answer about the company you’re applying for: • What does the firm/company do? • What is their culture like? • What kind of people do they typically … Read more

Are you looking for a recruiter?

finding a great recruiter

Just speak to Elias Recruitment. Seriously though, with almost 20 years of being dedicated legal recruitment specialists and helping legal professionals move both within practice and into in-house legal roles, we are a safe pair of hands with your next career transition. We can offer expert advice and insight into which opportunities will best suit … Read more

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