Tag: legal jobs

Elias Legal Jobs

Elias Legal Jobs Index Report Q4 2022

The jobs market remains  buoyant.  54% of HR leaders expect their headcount to grow and demand continues to outstrip supply in a candidate short market. The national unemployment rate is at a record low of 3.5% the lowest since 1974 and 1.7 points below March 2020 when the pandemic first struck.  The highest areas of

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Legal Jobs

What’s happening in the legal jobs market? March 2021

The Elias Legal Jobs Index is compiled regularly and provides an insight into changes in legal job ad volume in NSW and Victoria, by practice area and by role seniority. Changes in job ad volume reflect hiring intentions, and is often used as an indicator of market confidence. In this latest analysis, we have compared

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Corporate/ M&A leads legal jobs surge in the first quarter FY18

The first quarter of FY18 saw an overall jump in the number of corporate legal jobs advertised, with 480 jobs listed in July-September 2017, compared to April-June 2017. The big winners were corporate/ commercial/ M&A, property, insurance and intellectual property. Other sectors were also up, including technology and media law, dispute resolution, employment and in-house

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