How do the 10 National Employment Standards (NES) apply to you?


The National Employment Standards (NES) are apart of the Fair Work Act 2009 and contain 10 minimum standards for employment. What are the 10 National Employment Standards? Maximum weekly hours of work – 38 hours per week (plus reasonable additional hours*). Requests for flexible working arrangements – employees in certain circumstances can request a change … Read more

7 signs it’s over (between you and your firm)

“So what now?” It’s a question I’m used to hearing from people at all levels of the food chain. They’ve put in the hours, made compromises and sacrificed big to get to where they are today. But at some point, they’ve started to wonder whether it’s really worth sticking it out. Only you know when … Read more

How to get Headhunted


Don’t go looking for the plum legal roles because you simply won’t find them. Instead, they’ll usually come looking for you. Good employers know that the best senior lawyers are so busy running their practices that they don’t have time to trawl through job ads. They also like keeping strategic hires out of the public … Read more

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