New Years’ Resolution

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Like many, each new year I make a resolution to get fitter. This year I have actually kept to it (four weeks in) and have reduced my carb and sugar intake. I still need to increase the exercise though. Professionally – are you “hiring fit”? Hiring fitness is an important part of any company’s people strategy and success. Effective hiring process can single-handedly transform your firm by identifying top talent and ensuring they have what it takes to be successful in their roles.

Here are 7 steps to increase your hiring success in attracting and recruiting talent.

  1. Start early. In a candidate short market it can take longer to find the right person. Don’t wait to see if you get lucky with a job ad first. Any money saved on a fee is insignificant compared to lost productivity, overworked staff and unhappy clients caused by delays.
  2. A perfect world would have a slate of candidates lined up to “compare and contrast” but that is much less likely happen in this market. Don’t make the mistake of losing your best candidate only because they were sent first. If you like them, get the process moving immediately. Good candidates do not last long in this market.
  3. You can stand out in a crowded market by identifying your employment value proposition and aligning it with the new hire experience. This will help you attract qualified candidates that are looking for something special, which means that talking about what makes them great should reflect this desire as well!
  4. The candidate journey is a critical aspect of the hiring process. The interview should be a mix of candidate evaluation (behavioural questions) and “selling” the opportunity. You are being interviewed as much, if not more than your potential new hire; don’t forget that this is just one part in their decision-making process.   Candidates want to hear about culture, flexible hours and learning opportunities that allow them to grow into their next role – all from one company who values each individual for more than just an employee number or title.
  5. Your recruiter is a key component of your team. They are the person who helps bring new candidates into your view. They are your ambassador in the market. It’s important to  partner together effectively from start to finish.
  6. The candidate experience is one of the most important things to consider when hiring. With a lengthy interview process, it can be hard for candidates and employers alike- so make sure you are conscious about how they feel during this time period by taking their needs into consideration. When interviewing, ensure that all steps are taken in order and combine them where possible. Make sure you have paperwork ready for when an offer is made. You never want to miss a “rockstar” and have to start the process again because your admin process was too slow.
  7. Keep in contact with candidates before they start and make sure you have everything ready for their onboarding. You want to create a good first impression when they start,
  8. Hiring new employees can be one of the most time-intensive parts of running a business. So, it’s important to do your best to hire well and quickly.

The tips we’ve provided should help you improve the hiring process in 2022 by increasing your company’s fitness level when it comes to finding great talent. Reach out if you need further information.

Jason Elias
Elias Recruitment

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