Seven Surprising Trends During Covid

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  1. Tenders

Lawyers Weekly recently reported instead of a decrease in projects due to the pandemic, it appears there is an increase in tender and bidding activity. Coronavirus is forcing a more tech-focused approach which is good news for law firms that were innovative in tech in the pre-pandemic world.

  1. Flexibility

Whilst there was already a shift towards more flexible workplace environments, Coronavirus has fast-tracked that for many law firms. Working from home will evolve to be the new normal, opening opportunities for lawyers to work nationally and will also be a welcoming relief to many parents and part-time lawyers. In a recent survey conducted by Elias Recruitment, 78% of respondents said they were equally as or more productive working from home than being in the office.

  1. Technology

Firms have quickly introduced new technology and systems to make collaboration and remote working efficient and secure. Many see that agile and well-managed law firms who invest in game-changing technologies will thrive and be better able to service clients in the post-pandemic legal market.

  1. Staff Retention

Many law firms have retained work and have not been required to cut down hours or their number of employees – notably Baker McKenzie. Practice areas such as litigation, employment law and family law have seen the least impact due to the pandemic.

  1. Disruption 

Disruption is here – Lawyers Weekly reported a Practice Evolve survey that found 52% of firms believe disruption and end-to-end business change is the number one prediction for the legal profession going forward.

  1. Loyalty

Firms have realised the importance of their employees. Gadens has announced that they will be paying back the money they originally deducted from staff costs to their employees, as the financial implications were not as severe as first predicted.

  1. Salaries 

Elias Recruitment’s Legal Market Survey, conducted at the beginning of August, has found that 68% of the respondents had no change to their salary.

For additional career advice, contact Jason Elias on [email protected]

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