Tag: legal

Australian Law

What happened in the Legal industry in 2023/24 FY and where to from here?

  First and foremost, we want to express our heartfelt thanks from everyone here at Elias Recruitment. We truly value your support and trust throughout the past financial year. This has been a significant year for us as our team has excelled, and we are now delighted to assist our clients with all their hiring

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New Year Resolution FY 21

FY 21 wrap-up

I am writing this from lockdown in Sydney so how the latest outbreak affects business confidence is an unknown. Most lawyers I am speaking to are still very bullish and aggressively hiring and see the current outbreak as an inconvenient but temporary hiccup. We have noticed a few start dates being postponed and interviews moved

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COVID office image
Australian Law

Uncertain times- don’t worry, we are in your corner

Sometimes you need to talk to someone about your career. It is dangerous to speak to colleagues at work so an objective outsider with industry experience is a good option. Here is where an experienced consultant can help. Elias Recruitment has over 20 years helping legal professionals in private practice and in-house legal roles. Our

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val team

All I want for Christmas is…a more fulfilling job.

No doubt you have worked hard to get where you are today. Achieving the required education and qualifications takes years of dedication and late nights. Life’s too short to be in a job you don’t enjoy. This holiday season is a great time to take stock of your career. Without the pressure of doing the

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