Seven simple steps to go from good lawyer to SUPER lawyer!

super lawyer

When clients select a lawyer, technical skills and knowledge are the basics they expect of a good lawyer. What can take you to the next level and differentiate you to prospective clients and increase loyalty with your current clients? After speaking with a number of key HR managers, here are several tips to take you … Read more

What I wish I’d known as a new lawyer

new lawyer

What makes the difference between a fresh graduate and a veteran lawyer often comes down to details – writing an email so a client clearly understands their legal options, or contributing effectively to a business meeting to win new work or consolidate an existing relationship. In August, The College of Law is hosting a one-day … Read more

Hey Partners, “what have you done for me lately?”


You’ve put in the hours, made compromises and sacrificed big for your firm. At some point, you’ve started to wonder whether it’s really worth sticking it out. Only you know when it’s time to move on. But if the headline caught your attention, chances are you’ve at least thought about what the next move might … Read more

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