New Years’ Resolution

New Year Resolution FY 21

Like many, each new year I make a resolution to get fitter. This year I have actually kept to it (four weeks in) and have reduced my carb and sugar intake. I still need to increase the exercise though. Professionally – are you “hiring fit”? Hiring fitness is an important part of any company’s people … Read more

Uncertain times- don’t worry, we are in your corner

COVID office image

Sometimes you need to talk to someone about your career. It is dangerous to speak to colleagues at work so an objective outsider with industry experience is a good option.

Here is where an experienced consultant can help. Elias Recruitment has over 20 years helping legal professionals in private practice and in-house legal roles. Our award winning team, are a safe pair of hands to advise on everything from salaries and your current role or any future move. We can offer expert advice and insight into which opportunities will best suit your career ambitions.

We have consultants in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth to assist you. So if you want a friendly, objective voice on your team, book a free career chat with one of our team at [email protected].

Keep your lawyers happy!


Retaining top talent should be a priority for every firm. Turnover is costly in terms of training time, lost work, employee morale – not to mention unhappy clients. With the candidate market for lawyers increasingly tight, it is more important than ever to keep your lawyers happy! By providing a clear career track and support … Read more

Use WD-40 to make your next job search smoother


Ok maybe not literally. We all know WD-40 the trusty anti-corrosive, right? Bet you didn’t know that the ‘WD’ stands for ‘Water Displacement’, but of more relevance is the ‘40’. Inventor Nom Larsen spent 5 years and had 39 failed attempts before he cracked it – hence WD-40. Sometimes job hunting can seem a bit … Read more

So you want to practise law in Australia?

If you are considering moving to Australia and practising law there are 3 key factors to consider. Migration The first step is your migration status. For non-residents or citizens to work in Australia you will need to hold a valid visa. There are various categories of visas that will provide you with working rights. Occasionally, … Read more

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