Six things lawyers can learn from a workplace culture legend

Ronnie Altit is passionate about creating great corporate culture. As founder and CEO of IT Company Insentra, Ronnie saw Insentra place fourth out of 150 companies in the 2017 Great Places to Work survey. Speaking at the inaugural Legal HR Meetup, Ronnie shared six major insights into how he fostered a happy and collaborative corporate … Read more

Corporate/ M&A leads legal jobs surge in the first quarter FY18

The first quarter of FY18 saw an overall jump in the number of corporate legal jobs advertised, with 480 jobs listed in July-September 2017, compared to April-June 2017. The big winners were corporate/ commercial/ M&A, property, insurance and intellectual property. Other sectors were also up, including technology and media law, dispute resolution, employment and in-house … Read more

State of the Legal Market: Recruitment Update

Elias Recruitment brings you the latest state of play in the Australian legal market, drawing on the Urbis National Profile of Solicitors Report – Urbis (2016) and a review of the State of the Legal Market by Melbourne Law School and Thompson Reuters Peer Monitor (2016). The profession is growing, aging and diversifying The Australian … Read more

What I wish I’d known as a new lawyer

new lawyer

What makes the difference between a fresh graduate and a veteran lawyer often comes down to details – writing an email so a client clearly understands their legal options, or contributing effectively to a business meeting to win new work or consolidate an existing relationship. In August, The College of Law is hosting a one-day … Read more

Top five mistakes candidates make – and how to avoid them


As recruiters, we hear, see and are sometimes purely surprised by some of the easily avoided but common mistakes we see in the recruitment process. Here are some tips to help you along the recruitment process. 1. Overdoing a cover letter There are circumstances that do require cover letters. Cover letters are not the place … Read more

Hey Partners, “what have you done for me lately?”


You’ve put in the hours, made compromises and sacrificed big for your firm. At some point, you’ve started to wonder whether it’s really worth sticking it out. Only you know when it’s time to move on. But if the headline caught your attention, chances are you’ve at least thought about what the next move might … Read more

Use WD-40 to make your next job search smoother


Ok maybe not literally. We all know WD-40 the trusty anti-corrosive, right? Bet you didn’t know that the ‘WD’ stands for ‘Water Displacement’, but of more relevance is the ‘40’. Inventor Nom Larsen spent 5 years and had 39 failed attempts before he cracked it – hence WD-40. Sometimes job hunting can seem a bit … Read more

So you want to practise law in Australia?

If you are considering moving to Australia and practising law there are 3 key factors to consider. Migration The first step is your migration status. For non-residents or citizens to work in Australia you will need to hold a valid visa. There are various categories of visas that will provide you with working rights. Occasionally, … Read more

8 ways to build your personal brand with LinkedIn

Law is increasingly competitive with the rise of technological advances and changes in society. Gone are the days people just go to your company website. These days, many will check out your LinkedIn first. Whether you’re job hunting, gathering leads or networking with clients, having a professional eye-catching LinkedIn profile will build your professional brand … Read more

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