7 Time Management Tips For Lawyers

Time Management

How do you effectively manage your time? Is there a perfect method? Your job is demanding with long hours being regularly the norm, linked to demands from clients, partners and associates alike. In order to keep up with a seeming never ending demand – time management is imperative. Prioritise your time  In an ever changing … Read more

Has Coronavirus infected the legal job market? Elias Legal Job Index 2020

legal job market

The Elias Legal Jobs Index is compiled quarterly and identifies changes in legal job ad volume in NSW and Victoria, by practice area and by role seniority. Changes in job ad volume reflect hiring intentions, and is often used as an indicator of market confidence.   In this quarter’s analysis, we have compared data from Q4 … Read more

Five wауѕ to асе уоur next ZOOM/ѕkуре interview


Advаnсеѕ іn communications tесhnоlоgу have mаdе the video іntеrvіеw аn іnсrеаѕіnglу соmmоn раrt of thе hіrіng process. Tоdау’ѕ guest expert will оffеr tірѕ to bе ѕuссеѕѕful at уоur nеxt video interview.For саndіdаtеѕ аnd rесruіtеrѕ alike, video interviews саn bе incredibly bеnеfісіаl; саndіdаtеѕ are nо longer bound by geography, rесruіtеrѕ саn lоwеr thеіr hіrіng соѕtѕ аnd … Read more

Referral program.. it pay$ to have friends


We are urgently looking for Lawyers of all levels to fill a variety or roles. In fact, so much so, that if you tell your friends about us, we place them and they pass their probationary period, we will reward you with $1000. What are you waiting for.. make a referral today!

Negotiating your salary in a declining job market

declining job

As quoted in Legal Practice Intelligence Publication | 7 November 2019 Since May 2019, the number of Solicitor positions advertised on the internet* has declined each month. For each of those months the decline has been getting bigger as a percentage compared to the previous year. Job ads for Solicitors in September 2019 were down … Read more

Research potential employers before applying for a job.

research potential employers before applying

Extensively Research the Company. Your biggest advantage is information, and almost everything you need to know about a company can be found online. Here are the questions to answer about the company you’re applying for: • What does the firm/company do? • What is their culture like? • What kind of people do they typically … Read more

Are you looking for a recruiter?

finding a great recruiter

Just speak to Elias Recruitment. Seriously though, with almost 20 years of being dedicated legal recruitment specialists and helping legal professionals move both within practice and into in-house legal roles, we are a safe pair of hands with your next career transition. We can offer expert advice and insight into which opportunities will best suit … Read more

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